Update to Wellness Policy September 2020
Current wellness policy https://datacentral.ksde.org/nutrition_reports.aspx
February 12, 2019
Addition to USD 350 Wellness Policy
In compliance with the Smart Snacks in Schools guidelines , expanded to school celebrations during the 18-19 school year, USD 350 will no longer allow home made treats in the classroom.
- All snacks/refreshments shall be store bought.
- All snacks/refreshments shall be individually wrapped or packaged.
- Snacks and refreshments must meet smart snack guidelines.
You can find a list of approved snacks on the school nurse page or amazon has links to smart snacks. There is also a list of non- food ideas for celebrations at school.
Teachers will be following the smart snack guidelines in their classrooms to ensure your children are not given excessive calories high in sugar and fat at school.